What we are looking for are destinations that complement Machu Picchu, not substitute for it,” Ferreyros explained in an international press conference in Lima.
The destinations at that the ministry for tourism seeks to promote are “Ruta Moche,” cradle of the ancient civilizations of the northern coast; Paracas and Nazca, on the southern coast; Lima as a culinary capital; the northern beaches; the Amazon river; the Colca Canyon in Arequipa; the department of Cusco; and Lake Titicaca.
But the minister explained that promoting these sites will involve work on the part of many different sectors, and expected results will be long term. He said that it will be necessary to improve transportation, utilities and hotel services in the target destinations.
Machu Picchu, which celebrates the centennial anniversary of its discovery this year, does not need further promotion according to the minister, as it receives some 2,500 daily visitors. Studies to determine an appropriate number of tourists who can visit the site without causing adverse effects are currently ongoing, and will conclude this April.