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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Alaska-Yukon Expedition: Two Months In, Andrew Answers Your Questions!

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Long distance ultralight hiker Andrew Skurka launched his Alaska-Yukon Expedition nearly two months ago, and during that period he has hiked, skied, and snow shoed over more than 1100 miles of remote Alaskan backcountry. During that time, he has seen some dramatic changes to the conditions in which he is traveling, and although spring has arrived up north, it hasn't always made his journey easier.

In a recent post to the National Geographic Adventure Blog, where Skurka is keeping us all informed of his progress, he says that spring has brought cold and wet conditions, replacing the sub-zero temperatures and snowfall, with 30ยบ, rainy conditions instead. The change in weather has kept him cold and wet most of the time, which has not made it easy for him to function under those conditions. He also adds that spring runoff tends to dump water on top of already frozen rivers and lakes, making them very cold and treacherous to ford. Andrew says that he expects much of the spring to be like this, and the fall as well, and he looks forward to the warmer summer weather that is not too far off at this point.

All told, the expedition is expected to take about seven months to complete, and will cover more than 4700 miles in total. During that time, Skurka will pass through six U.S. and two Canadian national parks and hiked the remote Alaska and Brooks Ranges. An adventure such as this one would be a once in a lifetime affair for most people, but for Skurka, it's just another hike to add to his growing list of accomplishments, which include 7778 mile coast-to-coast hike across the U.S. and Canada, as well as a 6875 mile jaunt through the Western U.S.

Ever wonder how Andrew does it? Well, The Nat. Geo Adventure Blog is giving you your chance to ask him yourself. The long distance hiker is due back into civilization tomorrow, and he has agreed to answer any and all of your questions. Simply go to this post on the NG Adventure Blog, and post your question in the comments section. Andrew will log on over the next few days, and answer you personally. So, if you've got questions about the gear he uses or how he plans these big expeditions, head on over and post them. This is a rare and unique opportunity to have those questions answered by an expert on the subject.

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