The Appalachian Trail is considered by many to be the "Great American Hike". At 2,175 miles in length, it can be quite a test of your stamina and endurance, but despite all that more than 9000 people claim to have hiked it's entire length.
The AT is also a great testing ground for new gear as Demetri Coupounas, the president and co-founder of GoLite can attest. He's about to set out on the Trail for 40 days of hiking in an attempt to break the World Alpine Style Backpacking Distance record which is currently set at 620 miles. It also happens to be the 10th Anniversary of his company, so of course it's the perfect opportunity to test out their gear.
He won't exactly be "Going Light" however, as his total pack weight will be 127 pounds according to this post over at the Outside Blog where they've posted a brief interview with Demetri. Why is his pack so heavy you ask? Well, for one thing, he's hoping to carry everything he needs for the 40 days on his back with him, including all of his food. That's right, he's going 40 days without a resupply.
In the interview, Demitri talks about how far he expects to go, rededicating himself to the "core mission" of GoLite and exactly what gear he is taking along. Interestingly enough, he's only taking 15 pounds of actual gear. The other 112 pounds is all food, 8 of which is chocolate. On the brighter side of things, at least the pack will be getting lighter as he goes.