The government has limited the number of visitors to Machu Picchu to just 2500 people per day. During the last week of July this limit has been strictly enforced and many visitors without tickets have been turned away.
It's now essential that visitors purchase their Machu Picchu entrance tickets well before arriving at Machu Picchu. We recommend buying your tickets at least 10 days in advance but as more people learn about the changes you may need to buy your tickets much further in advance.
The government have introduced an online booking system. But if you are a student you have to get your ticket in. They have also started to charge admission to Huayna Picchu (the tall mountain that you can see behind Machu Picchu). In order to climb Huayna Picchu you now have to buy a new combined Machu Picchu - Huayna Picchu entrance ticket. Tickets to Machu Picchu can be bought online at the official website
For a helpful guide to explaining the rather confusing booking process you can post a comment on our Facebook wall.