Face it. We all love new outdoor gear, and it seems that the manufacturers are always coming up with new things to lure us into buying yet another pack, tent, or jacket. The gear we use continues to get lighter, warmer/cooler, more environmentally friendly and more useful through the use of new technologies and better design.
No one knows gear better than the Gear Junkie, and on this Daily Dose Blog today he has posted his picks for the five best innovations in gear over the past five years. Those five items include, in order:
1. Merino Wool Base Layers
2. Bare-foot Style Running Shoes
3. Energy Food That Tastes Good
4. Single-Speed Bikes
5. Hip Pockets on Backpacks
Looking over that list, there are certainly plenty of things I can get behind. I'm always appreciative of hip pockets on my backpacks, especially when I DON'T have them! I'm also thankful for the fact that energy bars have made giant strides in the area of taste. They can still be improved mind you, but they are miles better than they once were. And anyone who has used wool base layers can attest to how warm and comfortable they are.
I have yet to try the bare-foot style running shoes however. I'm an avid runner, run nearly every day, and go through shoes like mad, but for some reason I haven't tried these yet. Is anyone out there a proponent of these shoes? What's your favorite brand? Am I missing the boat?
I do get the attraction of single speed bikes, although I don't happen to own one. They certainly change the nature of a ride and probably offer a more pure experience, but I'm in the market for a new mountain bike, and I know I definitely need my gears in that department. ;)
What would be on your list of innovations over the past few years? Personally, I enjoy the fact that everything seems to be getting smaller and lighter, making it easier to carry our gear. It is amazing to see how small and light normal items like tents and sleeping bags have become. I'd also have to say that the use of technology has improved greatly too, with SPOT trackers and other emergency locator beacons making it safer than ever to head into the backcountry.
What has become indispensable to you?