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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Interview at Adayak

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I'm not sure why anyone finds chatting with me to be remotely interesting, but I recently sat down for a discussion with David over at in which we talked about my recent trip to the Himalaya, how this blog got started, and a host of other adventure related topics. That conversation led to this interview which is now posted over at the Adayak blog, which is a good source for more outdoor and adventurer related news.

For those who aren't familiar with Adayak, they have some great outdoor related t-shirts featuring cool prints related to all of our favorite outdoor activities, including climbing, hiking, paddling and more. Better yet, the shirts are made with 100% organic fabrics, which means their good for the environment as well. Very cool stuff, and you'll probably want to add one or two of the shirts to your closet. :)

Thanks to David for some great questions. I had fun answering them, and I hope everyone enjoys the interview as well.

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