ExWeb has a breaking story today about an on going rescue attempt on Langtang Lirung in the Himalaya. It seems that Slovenian climber Tomaz Humer is stranded above 6300 meters after breaking a leg, and possibly some ribs, on his descent of the mountain earlier this week. Humer called in over the sat phone, requesting an evac, but has not been heard from in several days now, although a team of Sherpas has been fixing ropes to try to reach his position. At last update, they were said to be about 100 meters below where Tomaz is believed to be, but they have seen no sign of him.
Langtang Lirung is a 7227 meter (23,711 feet) peak located to the southwest of Shisha Pangma. It is the 99th tallest mountain in the world, but is recognizable throughout the Langtang Himal, a subsection of the HImalaya, for it's very tall vertical relief, rising some 5500 meters above the surrounding area.
Efforts to reach Tomaz on the mountain will continue tomorrow, so lets keep our fingers crossed that they find him alive and well and waiting for the rescue team. His sat phone is no doubt out of battery at this point, so we shouldn't be too alarmed by the fact that no one has heard from him. Hopefully we'll hear more tomorrow, and lets hope that it is good news.