Remember James Bowthrope? He was the British cyclist who completed an around the world ride in just 174 days back in September, setting a new world's record in the process and besting the old mark by 20 days. He's been home for nearly two months now, and The Adventure Life had the chance to check in with him, and see how he's doing.
In the interview, Bowthrope talks about using his epic ride as a fund raiser for Parkinson's research, how he got motivated to go after the record, and much more, such as his best day on the bike (reaching Sydney, Australia), as well as his scariest day (being chased by thugs in Iran). He touches on the gear that he carried and the bike he rode as well.
All in all, a very interesting, informative article, with lots of insights on a long distance ride. it'll give you a new appreciation on these kinds of adventures. Definitely an amazing experience, and considering he had to average 103 miles per day over the course of his journey, it just makes the whole thing more impressive.
By the way, The Adventure Life has always been a great resource for these kinds of stories, and it's on my daily rounds. But it just got better now that the site has been optimized for use on the iPhone too. A great site that I can now read even better on the go.