Check out this amazing video that Andrew Maser of Rivers in Demand shot awhile back while kayaking on the Congo for National Geographic. Unfortunately, I can't embed the video itself here on the blog, as I often do, but trust me, it's worth clicking over and watching.
The 2 minute, 6 second video shows off some impressive waves on one of the biggest rivers in the world, and at times, it almost looks like they're ocean kayaking. I had to keep reminding myself that this was on a river, as the water is really rolling at several points. Of course, that makes it look a lot more fun too.
The Congo is the eight longest river in the world, stretching 2914 miles in length through the depths of Central Africa. It has the second largest flow of any river in the world, surpassed only by the Amazon, and at points it reaches a depth of 750 feet, making it the deepest river on the planet as well. Looking at this video, you'll begin to see just how massive and powerful the Congo really is. Which, of course, makes me want to go that much more! :)
Once again, here is a direct link to the video. Great stuff!