Sarah Outen continues her solo struggle across the Indian Ocean, but a new speed record has been set crossing that body of water by a team racing in the Indian Ocean Rowing Race.
According to, part of the Explorers Web network, a team of six men and two women from the U.K., Belgium, and the U.S. managed to row 3,132 nautical miles in just 58 days, 15 hours, and 8 minutes. The journey got underway on April 28th from Geraldton, Western Australia and ended today when the team reached Mauritius. In the process, they broke a record that has stood for 38 years.
While this team is now home safe and sound, there are plenty of other racers still out on the water as part of the Indian Ocean Rowing race, which is the fist of its kind to be held in the Southern Hemisphere. More teams are expected to arrive within a few days, but solo and tandem racers could take another month and a half to reach the finish line. You can check out all the teams still out on the water by clicking here.
Congrats to the rowers on this very cool new record.