It's Wednesday, which traditionally means a new episode of The Rest of Everest and that's just what we get today, with the release of Episode 76: Altitude, Elevation, and Elation.
The episode opens with a brief e-mail exchange between Rest of Everest producer Jon Miller and his guide from his visit to Tibet Lobsang. As you probably are aware, the recent unrest in Tibet has at times been quite violent, and it's difficult to get any word from within the country at the moment since the Chinese have cut off most outside contact. Lobsang's reply is brief, and promises more later, but he writes that he is fine, despite all the upheaval in the region.
From there we move on to the latest episode, in which Jon and his friend Scott Jacobs continue their adventure through Tibet, with video footage from just about a year ago, where Lhasa looks quite different than the recent scenes we've seen lately. The images from the street, which are more typical for the country, are bright, colorful, and full of life.
Later in the episode they depart Lhasa and begin the final stages of their journey to Everest itself. The shot of Jon's altimeter watch shows them well above 14,000 feet and climbing, Along the way they stop at a beautiful pass, rest amongst the prayer flags, and have a run in with a Tibetan pop music group.
Another great episode that really contrasts with the recent images we've seen from the area. A great reminder of what life in Tibet is suppose to be like.