I'm a big fan of Buff Headwear, the versatile little piece of cloth that can be used in so many ways. I've recommend them here in the past, especially after The Gear Junkie named them his number one gear item for the five years he's been doing his column.
Last week I heard from a reader who is training for the Boston Marathon. She's running to raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and has partnered up with Buff to help. From now until May 31st, when you order a Buff from CoolStuffForTheCure.com you'll receive not only free shipping on your gear, but you'll also automatically be entered into a $100 shopping spree for PlanetBuff.com. Simply enter the coupon code TNTCURE when you place your order.
Not only is Buff providing us with the benefits though, as they are also donating a certain amount of money to the cause for each Buff sold. So if you don't already have one, there is no better time to buy. I can say that I use the two that I own all the time, and they have served me well many times. They make a great addition to any gear closet and it just may be the best $20 piece of gear you've ever bought.