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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Dean Karnazeas: Is It Time For An Intervention?

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We all know Dean Karnazeas, long distance runner, business owner, and author of Ultramarathon Man. He also seems to never meet a marketing gimmick he doesn't like. For example, check out his latest stunt which has him running on a treadmill, suspended above Times Square in New York City, in an attempt to beat the record of 153 miles in 24 hours. To top the whole stunt off, you can watch him live via webcam from the Accelerade website Accelerade just so happens to be an energy drink, and sponsor of this event.

Now I respect Dean quite a bit. He's proven his endurance in plenty of ultramarathons, even winning the Badwater a few years back. And of course we all remember his 50 marathons in 50 days in 50 states promotion last Fall. Perhaps it's time we stepped in and asked Dean to reconsider some of these marketing schemes. After all, we wouldn't want him to get over exposed. Plus, every time I see this guy, he makes me feel like I need to hit the gym. Of course, he would make 99.99% of the human race feel that way, so perhaps that's natural.

Oh, and as of right now, Dean's run 103 miles and has seven hours and eighteen minutes to go.

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